Tuesday 5 March 2013


Greetings blogoholics...

Well, the recent Jackson Beaver post landed with a tremendous thud, so I figured if my bout of nostalgia failed to tickle your fancy, maybe you'd enjoy a post featuring cartoons that only I seem to find funny (because nothing attracts a readership more than a bunch of cartoons that nobody likes).


It's always my hope that every cartoon I draw will find love and acceptance when I send it out into this dark and cruel world, but, alas, on occasion one is sent back to me, creased and dog-eared and covered in coffee stains. That's the nature of the biz, folks. The problem is, I'm a stubborn bastard, and I can't let go of the idea that these cartoons are some of the funniest 'toons I've ever done, and so, with that in mind, I present them to you now. 

This first cartoon I did after watching a news report on competitive eating and thinking, man, how does this not end in a massive puke-fest? And that's when the idea for a competitive vomiting competition following on the heals of the competitive eating competition was born. 

When I first thought of the above cartoon I couldn't wait to draw it up - generally I'm not that enthusiastic and tend to let ideas sit for a few days, see if they still seem funny once the initial burst of creative excitement has worn off. But this one I loved from the get-go, and still do all these years later. 

Okay, I have to admit, I knew Cleaning Day was going to be a tough sell long before I ever put pen to paper, but, I don't know, I just love the look of it, and it never fails to make me laugh. So sue me!

I'm sorry, but as far as I'm concerned, if you don't laugh at the above cartoon then you have no soul! I mean, come on, it mixes ancient mythology with cross-dressing - if that doesn't add up to hilarity then I don't know what does! C'mon, people, work with me here!

And with that we come to the end of yet another post. Leave me comments if you're so inclined. 

See ya!

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