Wednesday 13 March 2013


Hello (insert your name here)...

Well, I recently learned that all my Tarzan cartoons have been removed from my listing at CartoonStock. The well-known ape man now joins other pop culture characters on the list of banned subjects for cartoon satire. Fear of lawsuits is the reason, which says a lot about the times we live in. Oh well, what can you do? In the end it’s no big lose – I only had three Tarzan cartoons uploaded to the site, and it’s not like they were big money earners. And on the plus side it did provide me with a subject for another blog post, so let’s get to it.

Here now are the three Tarzan cartoons – be warned: laughing could result in legal action!

The main focus of my Tarzan humour usually involves him being raised by animals other than the great apes. For example, in the above cartoon I imagine what his life would be like if he was raised by cute, little hamsters, while in the next cartoon...

... I depict him as he'd be if he was raised by disgusting leeches. This cartoon, by the way, happens to be a personal favourite, but has found no love in the world as it tends to creep  people out. 

The third and final cartoon is the oldest of the bunch and was actually voted Cartoon of the Week by my fellow cartoonists at the Wisenheimer web site.

And now, just for shits and giggles, here are a few more cartoons that have been dropped or rejected by the site.

That pretty much does it for today. Thanks for stopping by, (insert your name here).

 'Til next time!

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