Thursday 7 March 2013


Greetings my fellow bloglodytes...

In my last post I presented a bunch of cartoons which, for whatever reason, failed to score in the marketplace. It has since occurred to me that showcasing one's failures is probably not the smartest way to promote your work. So just to prove I'm not a total loser, here are a few of my all-time greatest hits!

Be warned: a man was recently arrested for laughing too loudly in his own home, so try and show some restraint when viewing the hilarious cartoons that follow (although, to be honest, it would be one hell of an ego boast to have even one person laugh so hard at my cartoons they ended up being dragged off to jail - just saying).

Now, on with the show!

Let's start things off with a re-do of one of the first cartoons I ever sold.The original drawing was very primitive, and even had a spelling error in the body of the cartoon (which was corrected by the very nice editor that purchased it. Note to all budding cartoonists: editors are not usually this accommodating - check and recheck your work before submitting). I did try to locate the original drawing to include with this post, but it's nowhere to be found, and most likely was fed to the shredder once the newer version was ready.

The idea for this cartoon came about when I was working on a series of gags for a line of sports-themed t-shirts (try saying that three times fast). Unfortunately the company went belly-up before I had a chance to submit the idea. I have since placed the image on my own line of t-shirts at Cafepress. Total sales to date: 0. (So much for the fantasy that this cartoon could have saved the company from bankruptcy.) Undaunted I uploaded it to my listing at CartoonStock where it has proved to be quite popular. Go figure.

And now we come to the big Kahuna - the most popular of them all! This has been a consistent seller since the day I finished it. It is also the most stolen cartoon I've ever done. In fact just yesterday my good buddy, Andy White, pointed out its illegal use on some piece of shit's Facebook fan page which was set up to promote his web site (what I really love is that this ass-wipe actually has a copyright notice posted on his web page. I guess he doesn't want anyone ripping off the stuff he's gone to the trouble of ripping off. Just for the record, placing a copyright notice on stolen material doesn't magically make it yours, no more than writing your name on someone's property allows you to claim ownership.)
Well, I think I've taken enough of your time. Hope you had a good laugh - but not too good. No cartoon is worth going to prison over!
'Til next time...

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