Friday 15 March 2013


Well, Sunday is Saint Patrick’s Day, and as I intend to celebrate by drinking my fair share of the estimated 13 million pints of Guinness consumed worldwide on this occasion and, therefore, will be in no condition to write my own name let alone a blog post, I've decided to jump the gun and post a bunch of Saint Patrick’s Day cartoons a few days early. Most of these were originally done for my weekly cartoon feature at Click the image for a larger view. Enjoy!

Well, that'll do it for now. Have a great Saint Patrick's Day everyone! And please drink responsibly (I'm going to need someone to drive me home from the pub).

Later, folks!
UPDATE: I can't believe I did a Saint Patrick's Day post and didn't include my Irish Canadian flag!
For anyone interested in spending their money foolishly on weird shit like this,
t-shirts and other clothing featuring the image are available at my Cafe Press store.


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