Saturday 23 February 2013


When putting together features for my original Fortune St. web site I wanted to offer something different from the usual galleries of cartoons and illustrations, something you probably wouldn't find at other sites. One such was feature was...

which, despite the name, had nothing to do with zombies, but was a gallery of cartoons about well known individuals who had cashed in their chips (because, you know, nothing says "funny" like a dead celebrity). These are not to be confused with cartoons drawn to commemorate the passing of someone in the public eye - rather, those depicted in the cartoons were very much alive when I drew them, then shuffled off this mortal coil sometime later. 

Morbid, I know, but it was something different.

Anyway, thought I'd share some of those cartoons with you now, because, well, I'm just that kind of guy.

I did this cartoon back when Siskel and Ebert were the hosts of Sneak Previews on PBS. They had that whole bickering-like-an-old-married-couple thing going on, and were well known for their thumbs up / thumbs down rating system, so I had Ebert cheating on Siskel by thumb-wrestling with another well known critic at the time, Gene Shalit.

Jerry Falwell, for those who are unfamiliar with the man, was the founder of a Christian lobby group known as The Moral Majority. I generally ignored what these yahoos were up to, but when ol' Jerry came out and accused Tinky Winky (one of the Teletubbies) of being gay, well, that was too good to pass up.


I did this cartoon when Charles Schulz, probably the most successful cartoonist to ever hold a pen, announced his retirement. Sadly he died soon after. I could have changed the headline on the newspaper to read Charles Schulz Dies, but it just didn't seem right.


Ha ha... Mr. Roger's Neighbor hoods... still cracks me up.


I really liked Carl Sagan - his PBS show, Cosmos, remains one of my favourite science programs (I even own the book!). I would like to think he would have found this cartoon funny.
 Well, that's it. Sorry if the formatting of the material is a bit wonky - Blogger started screwing up on me near the end and I couldn't be bothered to start over.
Enjoy the weekend everybody!

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