Sunday 30 June 2013

Oh, Canada...

Tomorrow is Canada Day, a time for all Canadians (yes, even you, Quebec) to celebrate this big, goofy country of ours.

Our big, goofy flag.

I do not fit the mold of the stereotypical Canadian. While I do apologize when I feel an apology is warranted, I’m just as likely to tell the offended party to go f**k themselves. I never say “aboot,” and I don’t end every sentence with “eh.” I don’t drink Molson beer. If given a choice between a Molson and a random urine sample, I’d choose the Molson, but after a few sips I’d think I made the wrong choice. I don’t listen to Rush. Ever! I’d rather listen to The Singing Butts “Unplugged” than suffer through that goddamn tree song of theirs.  (Dare to compare: The Singing Butts vsThat God-Awful Tree Song. ) And lastly, I don't like hockey - at all! Of everything on this list this seems to be the most surprising to my fellow Canucks. But make no mistake, I am fiercely proud to be a Canadian. And so, in celebration of Canada's special day, here are a couple of Canadian cartoons. As usual, click the image for a larger view.  

Oddly enough, that second cartoon actually managed to offend a fellow Canadian, who expressed his outrage over a moose-riding beaver in a mountie hat. So be warned, my American friends, you can joke about our manner of speech, and you can laugh at our polite demeanor, but don’t mess with our beavers or you’re in for a good old fashion tongue lashing! (Okay, that sounds a lot dirtier than I intended.)

Enjoy the weekend, everyone!